Browsing All posts tagged under »recovery«

Inpatient addiction treatment

February 21, 2012


In an inpatient addiction treatment center, doctors and professional counselors work to help individuals that have been deeply addicted to drugs and/or alcohol stop their addiction and start a path to recovery. Those who run the program understand how hard life could be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and how difficult it is […]

Different Types of Inpatient Addiction Treatment

February 20, 2012


The most effective treatment centers differ in their methods and approach at providing treatment. This is only necessary as the most specialized the treatment, the better the chance of recovery. But whatever type of addiction patients are getting treated for, including Inpatient Addiction Treatment is necessary. Individuals who wish to stop their addiction to drugs […]

12 Step Recovery Programs and Sponsorship

December 28, 2011


Over the decades, the number of 12 Step programs has multiplied. The tenets of the twelve steps and what it means to work the steps has remained fairly consistent throughout the years and has remained close to the original concepts of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and its corresponding 12 Step philosophy. Sponsorship is a strong component […]