
What is a Detox Program?

Whenever a drug user undergoes rehabilitation and is prohibited from consuming the substances that he is addicted to, the patient will immediately suffer from withdrawal symptoms that will usually last for a month or so. During this stage, the patient will suffer from a wide range of complications such as nausea, headaches, muscle pain, night shakes, depression and more. A specialized detox program aims to minimize or mitigate the effects of withdrawal symptoms and stabilize a patient’s medical condition. A certified medical specialist is tasked to come up with a clear and concise evaluation on the status of the patient and recommend the necessary steps to take to continue the rehabilitation process.

What is an Inpatient Detox Program?

An Inpatient Detox Program is basically a detox program that is conducted in an isolated medical facility. One of the many advantages of this approach is that the patient will be given 24 hour medical attention. When more serious symptoms do occur, nurses are on standby and ready to provide immediate care to the patient. The environment of the medical facility is also carefully monitored to suit the needs of the patient. Proper diet and exercise will be provided to patients in order to improve their overall health and fitness. Based on studies, inpatient detox program gives the highest success rate among drug rehabilitation and treatment programs.

What to Look for when Finding an Addiction Rehabilitation Institution?

  •   Certified Staff of Nurses, Physicians, Nutritionists and Medical Practitioners
  •   Accreditation from various medical institutions
  •   Adequate Equipment and state-of-the-art facilities
  •   Awards and Citations
  •   Recommendations from previous patients