Guide To Young Adult Drug Treatment

Posted on February 24, 2012


Getting treatment for your teenager or a young adult in your household is necessary, especially if the user cannot stop taking drugs on his own. Substance abuse is a difficult problem to overcome alone. Usually young adult drug treatment will be necessary for the user to stop using illegal drugs. Treatment can last anywhere from several weeks to several months depending on the patients condition.

Young Adults
People between the ages 17 to 25 often fall prey to peer pressure which makes it more difficult for them to stop taking drugs. This age group also makes up a large segment of addicted drug users worldwide. This situation calls for special facilities that cater to young adult addicts who need rehabilitation. The rehab centers must consist of medical supervision and counseling.

Rehab Centers
In these kinds of rehab centers, young adults will be helped to regain a normal life again. Once they are free of addiction through a combination of treatments, they can begin to build normal goals and lead a clean lifestyle once more. Treatments may take the form of a combination of pharmaceutical medication or psychotherapy. Pharmaceutical therapy is usually managed by a medical doctor under close supervision.

Psychotherapy or counseling will supplement the physical aspect of substance addiction rehabilitation. It is not easy for most addicts to stop taking drugs on their own. Often times, professional help will be needed. At accredited rehab centers, a drug abuser can get effective treatment and therapy. Counseling is also an important part of rehab that makes the physical treatments more effective.

Medical Evaluation
When a patient enters a rehab facility, he will be examined thoroughly physically and psychologically. Personnel at the rehab center will need to know the patients medical history as well as his substance use background. Even the family background, socio-economic standing, and educational circumstances may even be assessed. This is necessary for the center to come up with a suitable therapy.

Most treatments will take a pharmaceutical approach. Psycho therapy or counselling should also be given to the patient in order to support the physical and medical aspects of the therapy. Most former substance users that went through counselling are better equipped to deal with life after rehab. They also do not tend to go back to illegal substance use if counselling is integrated into the therapy.

Treatments used may also vary depending on the users dependence, drug of choice, and general psychological condition. During withdrawal from drugs, many patients go through physical pain, depression or even suicidal tendencies. Professional therapists at rehab facilities are trained on how to handle such scenarios and can better handle withdrawal side effects than family members.
Young adult drug treatment will also involve participation from family members of the patient. Sometimes, relatives will have to continue to monitor a rehabilitated drug user after they get drug treatment at a center. Family members support is also of utmost importance for the success of the program. Most former illegal substance dependents and family members are encouraged to seek hobbies and sports together or individually.